Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Some of Casselberry's Creative and Active Youth Have No Place To Play

These kids deserve the same respect and courtesy that others in Casselberry get.
The time has come to provide a public space for them to skate.  The time for it is now, make sure to vote for a Casselberry Skatepark in the Parks Master Plan.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Currently - Casselberry IS the Skatepark

As summer break looms before us, we are acutely aware of this simple fact:

If your city has no skatepark, the city is the skatepark.

We've already been hearing that citizens and business owners are calling the Casselberry Police Department to report skateboarders for skating in places they deem to be "off-limits".

Once school is out, it wont be long before its happening all throughout the day across Casselberry.

We know that the kids are simply looking for a good time, being active and are being, well... kids!

Recognizing this fact, we're encouraging everyone to be cautious as they motor through the neighborhoods.

Until we provide a skatepark where the kids have a safe place to go, its our responsibility as a community to keep them safe.

If you would like a bumper sticker for your car - send us an email or contact us through the Facebook Page:  SKATE 32707 - Support A Skatepark In Casselberry

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Casselberry Redevelopment Should Include Skatepark

As Casselberry works hard at redevelpoment to draw millennials as residents, one of the aspects they continue to miss is the need for a skatepark.

Nearly every upwardly mobile city that is creating its own renaissance has invested in one.

Here are some facts:

Skateparks are for more than just the neighborhood kids.  They do create a diverse social space for active youth to enjoy their sport, but more over, they are a vibrant space where the community as a whole is welcomed, crossing generations and cultures.

If Casselberry is serious about distinguishing itself from surrounding cities in a positive way, a world class skatepark will be a big step forward.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Casselton Drive Skate Spot - Casselberry, Florida

Soon you'll be able to see plans for the skate spot that will be situated in a linear park that is slated to be constructed along Casselton Drive just south of the landmark water tower pictured above.

The skate spot will be a first step in a positive direction towards providing skateboarding equal access to recreation facilities in the City of Casselberry.

Design work for the spot is being completed by Team Pain Skateparks, so we're stoked to see what they come up with for the project.

We hope that this will be the first of several skate spots that will link our neighborhoods with the main skatepark that we are is still working hard to deliver.

Community support continues to grow as the number of petition signatures increase and yard signs continue to spring up in front of residences across town.

Stay up to date with meeting announcements through our Facebook page:  SKATE 32707 - Support a Skatepark in Casselberry. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Help Get Casselberry's Youth Off The Streets & Into A Park

There are spots all around Casselberry where many of our kids try to find brief moments of joy before being told to move along or face consequences.

Some of our neighborhood parks specifically forbid skateboarding.

Casselberry Police officers push the "problem" of skateboarders from place to place, responding to calls from residents and business owners who see them as a "problem" that requires a law enforcement response.

Here is what we see:

Sons, brothers, grandkids, nephews, students, neighbors...

They are on the streets because we as a community have failed them.  We've failed to grow as a society.  We've failed to recognize that skateboarding has grown in popularity and is as mainstream as soccer, basketball or baseball. 

We haven't built the required park that would solve the "problem" that is being addressed.

Its 2016 - How much longer will we delay? 

Casselberry must grow and deliver a safe place for our youth.  Skateboarding is growing.  It continues to see more participation as traditional team sports participation declines.

We need to embrace our youth, not relegate them to the streets where they are more at risk for injury and the target of negative consequences for merely being active and adventurous kids that love a sport.

Please join us in growing as a community by supporting the construction of a skatepark. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Support a Skatepark in Casselberry

We are pushing for a full neighborhood skatepark in Casselberry & have been the single biggest and most visible community movement in the city over the past year.

Rather than address the need for a community skatepark, our city's leaders have punted on the project by calling for a Parks Master Plan after getting caught citing one for being the reason no action had been taken during the 2016 Budget Workshop.

Fact:  There has been NO Parks Master Plan in place in the past and it has not stopped recreation planning and development.

A single consultant just proposed providing a study that will lead to a Parks Master Plan for Casselberry.  At what cost?  $74,000.00

That is funding that could otherwise be spent on current recreation needs in our city.

Despite our dismay, we plan to participate in this process and send the clear and convincing message that we have for the past year; Casselberry has a demonstrated need for a modern recreation facility in the form of a skatepark.

In order to continue to attract younger families and have them become residents, we need to provide the recreation they are looking for when they are ready to put down roots.

Stay tuned for developments like community workshops and surveys that will be part of this process.

In the short term, a step towards improving our city has been made by including a skate spot in the Casselton Drive improvement project.  A public input session should take place to see the design of it in early June.

We will update our Facebook Page: Skate 32707 - Support a Skatepark in Casselberry with a date, time and location as soon as it is known.

Attendance is important, as a small group in the area has already surfaced to try and prevent it, citing problems in their community that are totally unrelated to skateboarding as a reason to oppose the skate spot.  We know better and have the facts to support it.

The City Commission needs to hear from all of us that support a vibrant and active community so that they will continue to support the project.

Stay engaged, work hard to spread the word and make certain that you attend any and all meetings that are announced.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Skatepark Events & Community Pride

No different than jazz concerts or art events in Lake Concord Park, the Casselberry Skatepark will also be a venue for events that will be a source of community pride.

Families from across the state, as well as out of state participants will travel to Casselberry if our skatepark is designed and built by professionals

Take a peek at what a family friendly event looked like at the New Smyrna Beach Skatepark last weekend.

Skaters from pre-teen to over 50 years old competed to raise money for Grind For Life, a charity that provides financial assistance to cancer patients when treatment requires them to travel to another city for specialized care.

The Casselberry Skatepark will be a valuable asset to our town.  Your support is needed to continue moving it towards completion.

Call or write the City Commission and voice your support:  commission@casselberry.org

Teamwork makes the dream work!  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Skatepark Economics 101

Casselberry is in the throws of a revitalization effort that has been decades in the making.  Much of the recent growth in the city has been the addition of more housing, both mutli-family and single family residential.  There is promise for more retail and dining, yet the community is left longing for more.

Zephyrhills Recognized The Need For A Community Skatepark and Took Action

Public works projects are focused on the curb appeal, spending loads of cash on "complete street" projects, replete with enhanced street lighting, landscaping and brick intersections.

In order that the City of Casselberry reach its full potential to be a "Great Place to Live, Work and Play" there needs to be a shift in focus on placemaking that attracts a younger generation that wants to call our small city home.

Over the past year or so the community has banded together in large part to advocate for a city skatepark.  Despite the grassroots effort, little has been done.  In fact, $75,000.00 is about to be spent to develop a parks master plan, all while looking past the public's calls for a specific project; The Casselberry Skatepark.

If the Casselberry City Commission took time to investigate the issue, they would understand how answering the public's call for action would most certainly be a catalyst for civic engagement on an unprecedented level.  They could then very easily leverage the support for more projects.

A skatepark would benefit the community greatly.

Its economic impact would be far reaching in supporting the restaurants and retail that must also come to ensure a bright future.

Case In Point:

On a recent family trip, instead of going and staying in the town where we had plans, a choice was made to stay an hour away in a town that has a skatepark and commute to the event.

The result:  Two nights of lodging, several meals at local restaurants and money spent shopping in their downtown.

Our skateboarding family is not unique.  Travel and spending plans are often steered by the presence of a skatepark when family time is planned.

Conversations with people at the skatepark often reveal out of town visitors who are there solely because of the presence of it.

As our city moves forward in its redevelopment, they will be wise to carefully consider how much its costing our community to delay the construction of a skatepark, there are lots of families who would like a reason to visit or move to Casselberry.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Future Of Casselberry Requires Youthful Involvement

Casselberry has been working for over a decade to spark economic development within its borders.  Geographically situated along two major arterial roadways, The City of Casselberry is figuratively and literally at a crossroads.  The possibilities for growth and development are there.

Some development has broken loose, but it mostly involves multi-family apartments and planned developments of single family residences.  While a positive, it could be better.

The positive trajectory the city desires lies at its front door in the form of a motivated and engaged generation that is begging to be heard and engaged.

Engage the Community!

The grassroots effort to establish a skatepark, a move that would further enhance the livability of the city, is filled with younger citizens and new families looking to be part of a community.  They long for a sense of place and are willing to work for it.

If the city and its elected officials would capture that momentum and build on it, they would capture the demographic they need to advance to the next level.

Rather than the status quo, its time to shift or pivot.  Only time will tell if the city's leadership will realize the opportunity it is fortunate to have before it.

Casselberry is at a Crossroads

Support A Skatepark In Casselberry & you'll be supporting positive growth for our community as we move into a future driven by millennials.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Casselberry Downtown & How Skateboarding Would Spur Growth

Currently the conventional wisdom around the Casselberry City Hall complex is to disallow skateboarding.

This policy is due to poor planning policy and a disconnect with the community at large.

Skateboarding continues to grow as a sport and lifestyle within the younger generation that Casselberry seeks to entice into calling the city home.

While all of the current development in the "Downtown District" is geared towards transient (rental) residents, the hope is to have them fall in love with Casselberry and put down roots when they're ready to purchase.

The seeds of change have been sown with the growing art component the city is supporting via the Casselberry Art House and the installations of art rotating through City Hall, but beyond that, there is little that distinguishes us from any other suburban community along 17/92.

The expansion of the park space around City Hall will include a "passive use" park that is set to be the home of more benches and sculptures.

Planning that would inspire the renaissance that is being sought should at minimum include benches and sculpture that would allow and encourage skateboarding in the public space.  By its very designation, true public space is welcoming to everyone.

If the City of Casselberry is serious about providing planning that will sustain it into the future, it should start including skateboarding in its pathways and parks plans.

To better understand, take a look at how skateboarders have influenced planning and the success it achieved in Philadelphia.

 Its time for Casselberry to embrace the future.  A future that will be filled with young families that want to put down roots in an inclusive and hip city, one that welcomes skateboarding.

Art In Casselberry & Why Skateboarding Fits

Casselberry has worked over the years to develop its identity as a center for art and artists in Seminole County. 

Its a big part of the transformation of the city to gain a positive image moving forward and cast aside a checkered past that to this day is mentioned in articles that chronicle the positive growth that is happening.

A growing grassroots movement to bring a skatepark to Casselberry is afoot in the community and if embraced it could help further the ongoing effort to create a stronger art community here.

This TEDx Talk will help you to understand the link between the art community and skateboarding if you haven't already come to know its true.

Think of the possibilities a vibrant skate community would bring to our city.  Dream of the inspired youth that will fill it and further the change we all seek.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Get Ready For Casselberry Parks Master Plan Process - Skatepark Support Needed

 A consultant is about to be hired by The City of Casselberry to help develop a Parks Master Plan. Part of the work that will take place will be a survey of citizens to learn more about what is needed & wanted to better serve the community's recreation needs.

For the past year we've been advocating for a Casselberry Skatepark on behalf of our supporters at no cost to the city. Despite the signs in yards across our community, TV coverage & a front page story in the Orlando Sentinel, we have yet to be heard clearly. That is about to change.

As soon as we hear the survey has been released, we'll spread the word to ensure you, the grassroots supporters of a better more inclusive Casselberry know about it.

When Public Workshops are scheduled, we will make sure to spread the word. We will need you all to join us there to raise our voices together to be heard loud and clear; We the People of Casselberry Support a Skatepark!

Our time is near. We will succeed. We wont be stopped.

Keep sharing this petition. Send your own emails to the Casselberry City Commission. Talk to neighbors and family. Keep building the grassroots to ensure we see positive growth for our kids and provide them a safe and inviting space to call home.

Thanks for all you've done so far! Even though City Hall has been slow to react, your voices are being heard all across Central Florida. Keep up the great work.

Share the coverage that News 13 just aired on every social media platform you can. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Click the Link for Full Story:
 News 13 Story

By: Jeff Allen - Seminole County Reporter


Skate parks across Central Florida are a popular place for teenagers to hang out.

In Casselberry, however, the push to get a skate park is dragging on. The city has hired a consultant to create a parks plan that could take up to 6 months to complete.

Danny Miles says if skateboarding has taught him anything, it’s the importance of persistence.

“I’ve tried for hours to land one specific trick,” said Miles. “That’s the thing; if we fail we get up and do it again.”

Miles says he’s just as determined to get a skate park built in Casselberry. He says skaters in every community need somewhere nearby where they can stay busy perfecting their skateboarding moves, and stay out of trouble.

“Your friends are saying let’s go do this, and you say no I was trying this trick yesterday and I really want to go get it today,” said Miles.

“That mindset of wanting to progress has kept me out of trouble.”

The group pushing for a skate park has gotten a lot of support on social media.  The group also has received permission from residents across Casselberry to place yard signs on their properties that signal support for their effort.  

We first told you about the push for a skate park in Casselberry back in March 2015.

Casselberry’s city manager says the consultant is asking residents what they would like to see included in the city parks system, but there are no definite plans to build one right now.

Danny says he’ll continue to join others in the push to get a skate park built, even if they don’t get it on the first try.

“As skaters we’re not afraid to fail. That’s why with this skate park we’re going to keep pushing, keep pushing to have it made,” said Miles.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What about noise from a Casselberry Skatepark?

One of the potential sites for a Casselberry Skatepark is Secret Lake Park.

Secret Lake Park scores very high when skatepark site selection criteria are objectively applied.

How would a skatepark fit within the existing active uses that are already there?

You be the judge:

An overwhelming level of support continues to endorse the construction of a skatepark in Casselberry.

Ultimately, the City of Casselberry will determine where it is built. 

We hope that established criteria is used to make that choice.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Casselberry - A Great Place to Live, Work & Skate

The City of Casselberry branding is currently lost on skateboarders.  Despite the self described "Live, Work & Play" welcoming community image that is being promoted, the fact remains, most parks specifically prohibit skating and recreation spending is focused on events, art and passive spaces.

We've asked our City Commission to reach out to places like Zephyrhills, Lakeland, Gainesville, Branford or Jacksonville Beach to get current feedback from recreation departments on how skateparks have benefited their recreation programming.

We know that one of Florida's oldest public skateparks, Satellite Beach is getting a makeover as the staff there continue to recognize after over 20 years of service, its one of the jewels in their crown.

Listening to others can be of benefit when you don't have direct experience in the subject matter.

Best Recreation Value Available
 We'll continue to be supportive of all other recreational offerings in our diverse town, but we wont take no for an answer for our skatepark either.  We too want a community where we can Live, Work and Play.  The time to make sure our community is inclusive is now.

Casselberry Live Work Skate

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Casselberry Skatepark Planning

As we continue to advocate for the Casselberry Skatepark, we're starting to hear from a few vocal individuals that are against it, judging skaters based on archaic stereotypes.  Their outlook is shocking to see in today's society.

Live Work Play

Its our hope that they will take the time to learn more about skateboarding and join us in welcoming skaters to Casselberry's public spaces.

Casselberry holds itself out as "A Great Place To Live, Work & Play" so we expect to see support from our City Commission & City Staff.

All of our kids deserve to have a safe & welcoming place in the community where they live.

Casselberry Skatepark City Commission Petition

If you haven't done so already,  sign our petition.  When you do, the Casselberry City Commission will be notified of it via email.  Make sure to include a comment when you do!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What To Expect As Casselberry Skatepark Campaign Moves Forward

As the Casselberry Skatepark builds momentum it wont be long before some members of the community will stand up and oppose its construction.

NIMBY Skatepark Opponents

We've already seen a small group of opponents attend the last meeting.

Luckily, their concerns are often simply a fear of the unknown and a symptom of being misinformed.

One of the first "roadblocks" will surely be that a skatepark will be too noisy, so be prepared to hear it and have the facts available to respond.

Sound studies have been conducted many times & they have demonstrated that the noise generated at a skatepark is similar to that of basketball courts and playgrounds.

The City of Portland has studied noise produced at parks.

Together, we're going to make sure the Casselberry Skatepark is built.  Keep contacting City Commissioners to ensure that they know we're awaiting their attention on it to ensure Casselberry is truly a community where everyone can Work, Live & Play.

Recreation For Everyone

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Skatepark Will Benefit Casselberry & Build Community Pride

The Casselberry City Commission has a very limited view of skateparks.  Most of them have not spent time visiting one to learn more about them.  Once they do, they'll all quickly learn how the skatepark will help create a positive family venue that will inspire community pride and deliver a recognizable landmark to help build identity for our city.

Events like the Shred Presidents Day event in Cocoa Beach clearly demonstrate how the skatepark brings together the community in a positive and enriching way.

Its hard to deny the positive aspects of having a well built, properly located community skatepark.

SKATE 32707 will continue to push forward until we see a skatepark built in Casselberry.

Delays will not deter us, they will only serve to strengthen our resolve and become more determined to have the voice of the People of Casselberry heard.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

State of The Casselberry Skatepark - 2016

March is here; for a year now we've been asking our elected officials on the Casselberry City Commission to dedicate the land and funding required to make the Casselberry Skatepark a reality for our community.

Its been a rewarding journey so far.  The level of community support continues to grow daily as folks recognize the benefits of how a skatepark will create a place to further revitalize Casselberry's image in a positive way, provide a safe place for our youth, build a sense of community and attract visitors from around the state and nation.

After originally sending an email to all of the Casselberry City Commissioners asking for their consideration for a skatepark, we attended the very next Commission Meeting and asked again in person.

Though we got silence from some, a couple of the Commissioners voiced an interest, if there was community support.

That meeting marked the beginning of our journey.  SKATE 32707 was immediately born to develop a grassroots campaign to empower our elected officials to dedicate a site and funding to get our community a skatepark.

Soon after starting our grassroots advocacy efforts, Brighthouse News Channel 13 covered our story on TV.

Not long after that first City Commission Meeting, we were told "the wheels are turning" as the upcoming 2016 Budget Workshop was approaching and the Casselberry Skatepark would be discussed as part of it.

The Omnipresent Casselberry Skatepark Support Yard Sign

When we asked about the Workshop and how discussions relating to the Casselberry Skatepark  had gone, we didn't get an answer from our City Commission.  Rather, the City Manager addressed the question and let us know that he had discouraged its discussion due to the absence of a skatepark in the City of Casselberry Parks Master Plan.

In the following days, we learned that there was no Parks Master Plan, only a draft document that was created in 2005 and never acted upon by the City Commission.

Despite the disappointing news, we simply redoubled our efforts and remained focused on building additional support within the community as well as reaching out individually to our City Commissioners to let them know we were counting on them to be our voice.

"Support A Skatepark In Casselberry" yard signs sprang up in front of residences all over the city as well as nearby neighborhoods, petitions were signed and emails continued to pour in letting our representatives on the Casselberry City Commission know we want them to take action by studying and ultimately approving a skatepark site and funding.

In light of the absence of the Parks Master Plan, plans were laid to create one.  The process was said to be set to start in October 2015 with the arrival of the new fiscal year.  October came and went with no action.  We continued to attend City Commission Meetings to update our representatives on the growing support we had documented.
In late 2015, in response to a request from Mayor Glancy, SKATE 32707 developed a Skatepark Master Plan for Casselberry and presented it to her, as well as the balance of the City Commission in order to catalyze the Casselberry Skatepark from simply being a discussion, to get it moving as a project.

In December 2015 a Commission Workshop was held to discuss plans for 2016 and to set priorities for projects.  Mayor Glancy and Commissioner Meadows acknowledged the support for the Casselberry Skatepark, pointing out the vast support that was easily seen by all of the signs in our neighborhoods, as well as the swelling petition numbers.  With the Skatepark Master Plan Proposal in hand they proposed city staff study the issue and report back on feasibility.  The City Manager again interjected himself and steered the issue back inside the Parks Master Plan process, stating that it would be starting in February 2016.  The balance of the City Commission went along with the City Manager delaying progress on the Casselberry Skatepark.

Despite the setback, we simply resolved to work harder to deliver the Casselberry Skatepark to our community.

In late January SKATE 32707 hosted a Skatepark Informational Meeting at the Casselberry Police Department.  Three weeks prior to the meeting we invited the entire City Commission to attend.  The purpose of the meeting was to inform everyone how the process of designing and building a skatepark works in a community once approval has been given. Commissioner Meadows responded to the invitation letting us know he would be unable to attend due to being out of town on vacation.  On the Monday prior to the meeting, Commissioner Hufford expressed concern about possible "Sunshine Law" violations if the Commission attended while attending the City Commission Meeting.  The City Attorney rendered an opinion regarding attendance that lead to her choosing to not attend.

The following day, the Orlando Sentinel ran a front page story covering the efforts that have been made to bring a skatepark to Casselberry.

The meeting was a huge success.  Attendance was such that we ran out of seating, with many standing, lining the room, to listen to the presentation from Team Pain Skateparks.

During the presentation we examined a lot of possible locations within Casselberry's existing parks that could easily accommodate a skatepark.

Galactic G Skate Shop, Plus Skate Shop, Catalyst and Domain Premium Apparel helped support SKATE 32707 by donating a lot of awesome product that was given away as part of a door prize raffle at the end of the evening.

At the first February City Commission Meeting,   the City Manager acknowledged the Parks Master Plan had not started, citing contract problems.

A request for proposals to conduct a process to develop a Casselberry Parks Master Plan was posted in Mid-February.

The consultant for the Parks Master Plan wont be selected until late April or May.  The process will then take 6 months to complete.

The consequences that have arisen from the delay in the Parks Master Plan process now directly affects the Casselberry Skatepark.

1. The Casselberry Skatepark will miss the Budget Planning Workshop for 2017

2. The Casselberry Skatepark would begin planning after the Parks Master Plan is adopted, (earliest is late 2016) likely leaving too little time to effectively do so prior to the Budget Planning Workshop for 2018.

All of this could change with a simple vote by the Casselberry City Commission.  They know the Casselberry Skatepark is a popular project with wide support.  Its time for them to make it happen sooner by directing the City Manager to have staff conduct a skatepark feasibility study while the Parks Master Plan is being completed.

As we watch the Casselberry City Commission conduct the business of the People of Casselberry, we'll be noting who has been listening.




Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Create A Positive Space for Recreation in Casselberry

Feb 16, 2016 — The City Commission's decisions regarding recent "downtown" improvements are moving Casselberry in a positive direction. Soon an area contained within the Lake Concord Village project will become a 4 acre passive use park.

Currently we have other parks designated as active spaces with bike lanes, bike trails, paddling trails, tennis courts, basketball courts, ball fields and tot lots sprinkled throughout town. We even have an active space for canines, Pawmosa Park.


Now, let’s include skateboarding on our list of attractive amenities for families, students, residents and tourists.

Skateboarding is a $29 billion business.

A skatepark would be a destination for skateboarders from across Florida and worldwide.

A skatepark would serve to attract visitors and tourists adding to the local economy while providing safe and legal recreational skateboarding for Casselberry kids and adults.

Skateboarding is healthy for kids’ bodies and healthy for the local economy.

The revitalization of Casselberry should include new things that are working in other cities by including them in our community.

Let’s be smart and follow other successful models of city funded/constructed skateparks like Lakeland, Bradenton, Branford, Gainesville and Zephyrhills among others.

By doing that, residents will spend money at local businesses here in Casselberry, as opposed to driving and spending elsewhere in order to enjoy a skatepark.

In recent years the City of Casselberry has spent over $350K to purchase a residential property adjacent to Lake Concord Park, near the Art House in hopes of expanding another passive use park further. Even more money will be need to be spent on demolition of the vacant homes located there before it can transition to its new purpose.

By the time these parcels are ready to become a passive space, the same investment of $300,000 to $500,000 could have provided a skatepark for residents and visitors in an existing active use park.

The call for a skatepark in Casselberry has seen steadily growing community support over the past several months. From a front page story in the Orlando Sentinel, to yard signs declaring support for a skatepark throughout our neighborhoods, petitions are growing and a recent public meeting to educate residents on how the skatepark design process works filled a meeting room to capacity at the Casselberry Police Department; the need has been demonstrated in every way imaginable.

The new “downtown” passive use park’s cost of improvement likely exceeds the per square foot price to build a skatepark by nearly three times.

The Casselberry Skatepark will become a destination that draws visitors to our city.

A skatepark costs approximately $30 per square foot to construct and a skatepark is for recreational use, which provides an active, placemaking, community venue and encourages visitors to come to Casselberry.

The “downtown” park is passive use.

Both good.

One is better for bodies. Recreation is healthier for kids than sitting.

We like what we see happening in Casselberry! The “downtown” park is cool. The fountain and sculpture features will be delightful.

Now, end the delays and please build the skatepark so that our residents have a place they can safely enjoy themselves and the skateboarding tourism other cities enjoy will come to Casselberry.

Its a win – win, with a skatepark, visitors looking for an amazing skatepark experience will include Casselberry in their travel plans and the children and residents of Casselberry will be free to skate safely and legally in their own community, something they can’t do currently.

 Please share this update & encourage family and friends to sign the petition. PETITION

Public workshops hosted by the City of Casselberry will be scheduled soon, once they are, we will be asking everyone to fill them to capacity to make sure our voices are heard: Build A Skatepark Now, we're ready for Concrete Change in Casselberry.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Casselberry Skatepark - Its A Matter of Time

The Informational Meeting held at Casselberry PD was very well attended.  In fact, we ran out of chairs and ended up with standing room only by the time the presentation began.

THANKS to everyone who showed up, even the small group that identified themselves as being sent by a Commissioner to "see what happens".

We had a positive and informative meeting that helped everyone visualize what could be possible at multiple sites throughout the city.

We just found out that the Parks Master Plan process of a survey and public workshops has been delayed about two months.

While we are ready to get started, we'll use the time to continue building support and preparing for the next phase in the process.

No different than learning a new trick, we aren't discouraged by failure.  Failure is part of the process.  Its the pathway to success.  

The support that we've seen has drawn the attention of the Orlando Sentinel and News 13 among others who haven't yet put our story to print or broadcast, but they know we're a force in the community.

The reason for the acknowledgement of our efforts is each and every one of you.  Keep talking about the Casselberry Skatepark.  Its going to happen.  Believe in it and stay the course, its only a matter of time.

Keep Pushing & Skate Every Day!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Keep Spreading The Word - Updated Flyer

On January 28th we are hosting Team Pain at the Casselberry Police Department to hear more about the skatepark design process and to organize our continuing efforts to see the Casselberry City Commission take action to designate a site and fund a Casselberry Skatepark.

Make no mistake about it, city government works for the people.  We have to hold them accountable to our wants and needs.

We will not stop until our kids are represented at City Hall and in our parks.

Skateboarders deserve a place to enjoy themselves, no different than basketball, baseball, tennis or soccer, our tax dollars are collected.  We simply ask to have a place at the park as well.  Its not too much to ask.

Join us for a great night that ends with sponsor provided gear being given away in a raffle.

Share the flyer on all social media platforms - we want to fill the room and show the politicians we are in it to win it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Front Page News - Support a Skatepark in Casselberry

Many of the citizens of Casselberry and surrounding communities have been actively raising their voice, asking to be represented at City Hall by their City Commissioners.  Their hard work, signatures on petitions and signs in their lawn supporting the construction of a skatepark have garnered regional attention.

In a community that has everything from baseball fields, basketball & tennis courts, walking/biking trails, playgrounds, golf course and even a kayak rental program for a blueway trail, there are no skateboarding facilities.

As the City Commission does nothing significant to advance the idea, no staff studies or commissioning of a study committee, we've provided our best effort at a comprehensive proposal for a neighborhood skatepark and city wide system of skate spots leading to it.  The idea of a skatepark system would increase the potential for state funding as roadway projects are designed and completed in the future where FDOT is involved.

For now, the front page news is that our journey continues.

 We'll continue to push as a community until our kids get the safe place they deserve in a park.  A place where they can build a community network of their own, a place they can proudly call their Casselberry.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Casselberry Skatepark Gaining Traction

Your hard work and tireless efforts are not going unnoticed.  Look no further than the article below to see how the community is taking notice.

Orlando Sentinel coverage of Casselberry Skatepark Effort

Keep it up!  Put out a sign of Support a Skatepark in Casselberry, sign our petition, follow us on Facebook.  All of these things matter.

Share the upcoming meeting on social media.

Attend the meeting to learn more about what it will take to see concrete trucks rumbling through town to deliver a skatepark to our kids.

Our City Commission takes an oath to represent us, lets make sure they do!