Monday, March 28, 2016

Casselberry Downtown & How Skateboarding Would Spur Growth

Currently the conventional wisdom around the Casselberry City Hall complex is to disallow skateboarding.

This policy is due to poor planning policy and a disconnect with the community at large.

Skateboarding continues to grow as a sport and lifestyle within the younger generation that Casselberry seeks to entice into calling the city home.

While all of the current development in the "Downtown District" is geared towards transient (rental) residents, the hope is to have them fall in love with Casselberry and put down roots when they're ready to purchase.

The seeds of change have been sown with the growing art component the city is supporting via the Casselberry Art House and the installations of art rotating through City Hall, but beyond that, there is little that distinguishes us from any other suburban community along 17/92.

The expansion of the park space around City Hall will include a "passive use" park that is set to be the home of more benches and sculptures.

Planning that would inspire the renaissance that is being sought should at minimum include benches and sculpture that would allow and encourage skateboarding in the public space.  By its very designation, true public space is welcoming to everyone.

If the City of Casselberry is serious about providing planning that will sustain it into the future, it should start including skateboarding in its pathways and parks plans.

To better understand, take a look at how skateboarders have influenced planning and the success it achieved in Philadelphia.

 Its time for Casselberry to embrace the future.  A future that will be filled with young families that want to put down roots in an inclusive and hip city, one that welcomes skateboarding.

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