Friday, April 29, 2016

Help Get Casselberry's Youth Off The Streets & Into A Park

There are spots all around Casselberry where many of our kids try to find brief moments of joy before being told to move along or face consequences.

Some of our neighborhood parks specifically forbid skateboarding.

Casselberry Police officers push the "problem" of skateboarders from place to place, responding to calls from residents and business owners who see them as a "problem" that requires a law enforcement response.

Here is what we see:

Sons, brothers, grandkids, nephews, students, neighbors...

They are on the streets because we as a community have failed them.  We've failed to grow as a society.  We've failed to recognize that skateboarding has grown in popularity and is as mainstream as soccer, basketball or baseball. 

We haven't built the required park that would solve the "problem" that is being addressed.

Its 2016 - How much longer will we delay? 

Casselberry must grow and deliver a safe place for our youth.  Skateboarding is growing.  It continues to see more participation as traditional team sports participation declines.

We need to embrace our youth, not relegate them to the streets where they are more at risk for injury and the target of negative consequences for merely being active and adventurous kids that love a sport.

Please join us in growing as a community by supporting the construction of a skatepark. 

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